Posts Tagged ‘Easter’

FAST Sonnets in Cyberspace #4


Hear — “All I’ve wanted is to feel wanted” —
Thus spoke NBA player, L.A. left —
So speaks every human heart … undaunted?
Why does life lie and leave us death-bereft,
Abandoned, desolate and forsaken,
Like child at dad-discarded first day’s light?
Like spouse, guilty innocent — awakened
To find acid spilled, mind blinded, heart blight
Of clay — lay pleasure poisoned, emission
Searing soul sans nocturnal permission?
Like corrupt(ed) construction: hope and homes,
Then site unseen, Love Canal — who atones?
Oh, You who cried on Dad-deserted day
Called good rescue us please from toxic play •

© Bruce William Deckert 2014



• Yes, the sentiment of this sonnet focuses on the desolation of Good Friday — as in the gospel accounts, Easter must wait — and thus on the desolation humans feel in certain painful circumstances.

• The closing couplet observes that Jesus of Nazareth shares our desolation — and makes a desperate request for Him to bring Easter to our broken hearts and lives.

• Except for the final stanza, the rhyme scheme follows the structure of a Shakespearean (or English) sonnet, a 14-line poem with 10 syllables per line, comprised of three stanzas (of four lines each) plus a closing couplet.

• Given its brevity and power-packed structure, the sonnet is perhaps the best poem for the fast-moving 21st century.

• By the way, are you wondering who the NBA player is — the player quoted in this poem’s opening line? Here’s a multiple-choice quiz for any inquiring minds:

A. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar aka Lew Alcindor
B. Trevor Ariza
C. Kobe Bryant
D. Magic Johnson
E. George Mikan
F. Shaquille O’Neal
G. James Worthy
H. other

If you wish to vote, feel free to copy-and-paste your choice into the Leave A Reply field below, aka the comment section.

And if you want to know the answer without guessing — you can click here to read the ESPN The Magazine article that contains both the name of the player and the quote.

• Thanks for stopping by — I hope your visit has been worthwhile •